COVID vaccinations finished in clinic - still available via HSE

When can I get my booster vaccine?

·         NIAC recommends at least 4 months after the last dose of a COVID-19 vaccine for ALL booster doses. For those who have had laboratory confirmed/antigen positive with symptoms COVID-19 breakthrough infection since full vaccination, the booster dose should be deferred for 4 months after diagnosis.

·         If a dose was given before the minimum interval, this is not considered a valid vaccine. However, revaccination is not recommended.

·         To avoid this occurring and as is good practice, you can use the lookup function available from HSE ICT, or COVAX to check when your patient was last vaccinated before administering a vaccine to them.

Who can get a booster vaccine?

·         Over 65’s

Book here with the HSE


Clinic closed Friday 17th March


Flu vaccinations still available for eligible patients