More Covid 19 Booster Vaccination Clinics will be in Feb ‘22
Calderwood Family Clinic will be running Covid-19 booster vaccination clinics on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 2pm - 4pm in February 2022 - dates to be confirmered - we are awaiting a delivery from the HSE. These clinics are for everyone over 16 years of age who have not yet received their Covid vaccine booster and have not had Covid in the last 3 months.
You must bring your PPS and ID. It must be at least 3 months since your last vaccination or since you last had Covid.
All vaccines will be MRNA vaccines.
Given the rapidly evolving circumstances around COVID and in particular the Omicron variant there is a focused acceleration of the COVID BOOSTER PROGRAMME. The overriding clinical imperative is to have as many of the population as possible vaccinated within the next few weeks.
As a result, Calderwood Family Clinic will be delivering an accelerated programme.